Compiler Error Message: CS0101

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4/10/2012 9:06:29 AM
Total Posts 220

Compiler Error Message: CS0101


since yesterday I suddenly have the following error message when opening (very old version of Mojo):

Compilation error.  Description: Error compiling a resource that is necessary to process this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0101: The namespace 'Resources' already contains a definition for "Shared File Resources".

Any idea?

Best Matthias

4/10/2012 9:15:28 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Compiler Error Message: CS0101

Hi Matthias,

I would try deleting the Chinese .resx files from App_GlobalResources.

That is delete any files that have zh-hant.resx

Hope that helps,


4/10/2012 9:48:42 AM
Total Posts 220

Re: Compiler Error Message: CS0101

Hi Joe,

cheers Lachend



4/10/2012 12:00:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Compiler Error Message: CS0101

Thanks as always for the beers!



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