How do I get a footer link to point to a specific .aspx page?

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3/26/2012 3:00:21 PM
Total Posts 8

How do I get a footer link to point to a specific .aspx page?

I have been modifing the layout.Master file to change the look of my site.  I have noticed that all of the links in the footers for the exisiting skins had <portal:SiteLink... or something similar so that they are using parts of the mojoPortal to get there information and go to the correct places.  FOr the site I am trying to build I need the links to go to certain pages.  One of the links should go to the contact page.  How do I do this?  Is this just basic html mark up to get to the page?  Can a build the contact page within mojoPortal but not attach it to any of the menus?  I have the same questions for the Site Menu.  Next to the welcome on the top menu I need to add links to specific pages. 



3/26/2012 3:15:11 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How do I get a footer link to point to a specific .aspx page?

Those are just convenience controls. To make custom links you can use plain html

<a href="/contact.aspx">Contact Us</a>

where / represents the root of the site.

If you want to add it into the links at the top you'll need to wrap it in an li element and add the css class sitelink like this:

<portal:WelcomeMessage ID="WelcomeMessage" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="true" ListItemCss="firstnav" />
<li><a class="sitelink" href="/contact.aspx">Contact Us</a></li>

Hope that helps,


3/26/2012 3:19:13 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: How do I get a footer link to point to a specific .aspx page?

To prevent a page from appearing in the site menus, in the page settings uncheck the "Include in menu" checkbox.


3/26/2012 3:31:00 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: How do I get a footer link to point to a specific .aspx page?

Joe and Jamie,


Thank you for the quick answers.  I only wish I had asked hours ago because I have been going crazy. 

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