New version - old skin

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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3/16/2012 11:15:34 AM
Total Posts 118

New version - old skin


I've created a skin in v. started a new site and want to copy the skin across to v2.3.8.1 when I copy the skin across (from data/sites/1/skins) I lose images from my headers, and the left, centre and right editable regions will not sit next to each other any more. 

This happened to me when I moved another skin from v2.3.6.7 to v2.3.7.0 I can't remember how I fixed (I may have restarted the template). 

Any ideas? can skins be successfully transferred from version to version?

thanks for any help, 


3/16/2012 11:24:41 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: New version - old skin


Take a look at the "Important Skin Changes" document.

Joe D.

3/16/2012 11:32:46 AM
Total Posts 118

Re: New version - old skin


Hi Joe, thanks for the fast reply!

however I can't see any info on v2.3.8.1?

3/16/2012 11:46:25 AM
Total Posts 118

Re: New version - old skin


Downloaded - took the from one of those skins, replaced in my skin. All working.

Cheers Joe.

3/16/2012 11:54:34 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: New version - old skin

Glad you got it working.

In general, the way to use the Imortant Skin Changes document is to apply any necessary changes for each version between your current version ( and the newest version on the document. There weren't any skinning changes in so that version isn't shown in the skin changes document.

Joe D.

3/22/2012 12:00:33 PM
Total Posts 118

Re: New version - old skin

Hi, I've still got an issue with this. 

The skin I took from my old site (now including the updated file) has an issue with the H2 moduletitle class. It doesn't seem to be taking any notice of the css. Before I start working on it, is there something else I need to update?

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