Incorrect Times when using the Feed Manager

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10/12/2009 12:59:22 PM
Total Posts 2254

Incorrect Times when using the Feed Manager

I am using the Feed Manager to pull the feed produced by the Event Calendar Pro. On the page with the Feed Manager, the times are all 6 hours ahead of the actual event time.

You can see this at The Upcoming Events section is the Feed Manager. If you click on an Event, you will see the correct date/time in the details.


10/12/2009 1:53:03 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Incorrect Times when using the Feed Manager

Hi Joe,

I confirm this as a bug in Feed Manager and will fix this for the next release. The problem is that feeds are supposed to use GMT time and the feeds are using GMT, so we need to apply the user or  site default time zone offset to the time before displaying it.



10/12/2009 2:15:46 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Incorrect Times when using the Feed Manager

Cool! I'm not going crazy!!!

Thanks for your hard work. Enjoy the coffee (I would buy you beer but I think it might distract you from mojo). ;-)

-Joe D.

10/12/2009 2:26:25 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Incorrect Times when using the Feed Manager

Hey Joe,

Many thanks for the coffee supply and all your continued support! Much appreciated.



10/17/2009 9:58:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Incorrect Times when using the Feed Manager

Hi Joe,

fyi, I've uploaded a build to our Novell Forge download page that has this fixed.



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