Developer Forum

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

Please do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.

This forum is for discussing mojoPortal development

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

You can monitor commits to the repository from this page. We also recommend developers to subscribe to email notifications in the developer forum as occasionally important things are announced.

Before posting questions here you might want to review the developer documentation.

Do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
multiple language on multiple site instalation AenV-ict 2221 0 10/2/2010 9:52:41 AM
center classes NOT working! AenV-ict 2587 0 10/2/2010 8:38:26 AM
Feature or Page 7Spikes 2539 1 10/1/2010 11:25:38 AM
Jamie E
Adding Custom Css Classes in MCE Editor Image Editor Class Dropdown Warner 3464 1 9/30/2010 7:28:49 AM
Joe Audette
center-rightandleftmargins CSS NOT working! donato1026 2532 1 9/29/2010 2:53:09 PM
Error on ForumPostEdit.aspx Aaron Cardoz 6496 7 9/29/2010 1:36:59 PM
Tim Butler
Could not load type 'System.Web.UI.ScriptReferenceBase Tim Butler 8174 2 9/29/2010 9:32:42 AM
Joe Audette
Play audio clip (mp3), when user registers rajansh 2277 0 9/28/2010 11:21:18 PM
Index pages with PDF file containing gujarati (Indian Language) text and offer search capability rajansh 2542 0 9/28/2010 11:16:20 PM
Validation controls not working after installing Greyfox 2756 1 9/28/2010 5:52:44 AM
Joe Audette
Greybox / IE problem in Mojo Pieter 3831 1 9/27/2010 8:06:13 AM
Joe Audette
Auth Code ,Transaction ID ? Asad Samarian 4200 2 9/27/2010 7:52:27 AM
Joe Audette
Create my own component/feature mixmasterxp 4226 1 9/27/2010 7:20:36 AM
Joe Audette
User Control in VB.Net Suzy Smith 16888 21 9/26/2010 12:30:36 PM
Suzy Smith
Change some bits in rss.aspx.cs without recompiling every update Magnetic_dud 3754 2 9/25/2010 3:43:34 PM
Changing text editor used by HTMLEdit.aspx mtalcott 2571 1 9/25/2010 1:03:11 PM
New local setup / Errors Matt Millican 3411 4 9/25/2010 9:37:05 AM
Matt Millican
CSS File jerrardm 3760 5 9/25/2010 8:19:48 AM
Joe Audette
Powered by mojoPortal - Open in New Windows parkerjr2 4844 2 9/25/2010 8:11:06 AM
Joe Audette
How to Disable GreyBox from loading? Warner 2947 1 9/25/2010 8:05:41 AM
Joe Audette