Developer Forum

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

Please do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.

This forum is for discussing mojoPortal development

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

You can monitor commits to the repository from this page. We also recommend developers to subscribe to email notifications in the developer forum as occasionally important things are announced.

Before posting questions here you might want to review the developer documentation.

Do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Align menu to the right on Artisteer31-FullHeader damo 2718 1 7/2/2012 2:45:54 AM
Custom module is not in the list when setuo is run Spire128 2988 2 6/28/2012 4:19:00 PM
What are the different methods available for url rewritting for website? aspdeveloper 2704 1 6/27/2012 9:33:58 AM
Joe Audette
Problem in Edit Section Nivedita 2815 3 6/27/2012 4:50:24 AM
Constant Contact Link Mandell 4524 2 6/25/2012 3:30:44 PM
video player how to increase the siza ojala 2725 1 6/25/2012 10:58:11 AM
Joe Audette
Users registration with custom fields / user search PnP 3211 1 6/25/2012 10:07:07 AM
Joe Audette
Upload text file to server Itz 2592 1 6/25/2012 9:47:17 AM
Joe Audette
Force mojo into the mobile mode on a non-mobile browser wfuller567 2850 2 6/21/2012 2:59:19 PM
Problem in downloading code through TortoiseHg Nivedita 2720 1 6/21/2012 11:42:47 AM
Joe Audette
Remove System Information Tab for certain roles damo 3076 6 6/21/2012 11:00:19 AM
Code is different as used in Developer training videos Nivedita 2589 1 6/21/2012 10:40:17 AM
Joe Audette
GreyBox question cecheto 3066 1 6/21/2012 7:30:54 AM
Joe Audette
Updating Custom Features 126787 2926 6 6/20/2012 12:17:10 PM
Joe Audette
How to let layout.Master footer support other language than english victorzsl 2296 1 6/20/2012 7:14:15 AM
Joe Audette
How to disable NeatHTML? Chaiwat Rujimethabhas 2990 2 6/19/2012 1:37:23 AM
Chaiwat Rujimethabhas
cdata content causes Rss errors Warner 3152 2 6/18/2012 2:56:17 PM
PageSettingsSaved.ashx ojala 2830 2 6/18/2012 9:33:18 AM
Selecting a File Name From The Server 126787 3148 1 6/15/2012 1:11:54 PM
Joe Audette
Site registration redirect crippsy 3047 3 6/15/2012 12:40:37 PM
Joe Audette