Developer Forum

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

Please do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.

This forum is for discussing mojoPortal development

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

You can monitor commits to the repository from this page. We also recommend developers to subscribe to email notifications in the developer forum as occasionally important things are announced.

Before posting questions here you might want to review the developer documentation.

Do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Get content when add/edit post Jothikumar 2371 1 2/6/2013 6:25:08 AM
Joe Audette
New dev workstation, issue with mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers.IndexBuilderProvider Jamie E 2961 2 2/5/2013 1:01:45 PM
Jamie E
Display pages as per the role hariharans87 2301 4 2/4/2013 10:01:00 AM
Custom Page Menus hariharans87 2384 1 2/4/2013 9:20:43 AM
Joe Audette
Search engines not crawling custom module content TRIAD-Next Level 2262 1 2/4/2013 7:24:47 AM
Joe Audette
Accessing CacheHelper.GetCurrentSiteSettings() from a HttpModule Fell runner 2050 2 2/4/2013 3:51:56 AM
Fell runner
Robots.txt Disallow: /SiteMap.aspx crippsy 2870 1 2/1/2013 11:05:25 AM
Joe Audette
UK Cor Data GeoZones crippsy 2691 2 1/24/2013 7:48:47 AM
Webstore Clone ojala 2098 0 1/23/2013 10:05:10 AM
Heads Up - Breaking changes in search index just landed in the source code repository Joe Audette 5854 0 1/21/2013 4:47:39 PM
Joe Audette
Using custom jquery in mojo portal Maria Mancino 2894 2 1/21/2013 3:05:18 AM
Maria Mancino
Treeview/javascript issue sos 1886 0 1/19/2013 6:22:16 AM
Using JQuery in custom control/module/aspx naveenv2002 3019 3 1/17/2013 2:59:40 AM
Maria Mancino
Resetting schema script history Jamie E 4122 8 1/11/2013 10:20:17 AM
Joe Audette
any one can help me ? shuiwuhen21 3161 8 1/8/2013 8:44:51 AM
LayoutDisplaySettings missing one property ? Ken Van Gilbergen 2682 4 1/7/2013 2:28:46 PM
Joe Audette
invalid character in the given encoding web.config ojala 10299 4 1/7/2013 1:25:03 PM
VS 2010 Publish Jonathan Delfraisse 2774 2 1/2/2013 12:19:28 PM
Jonathan Delfraisse
How to Create a PayPal "Subscribe" Module based on PayPal "Buy Now"? lsprowls 3645 5 12/27/2012 2:36:22 PM
Redirect After New User Registration? Kent 8251 22 12/26/2012 4:36:10 PM
Joe Audette