Developer Forum

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

Please do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.

This forum is for discussing mojoPortal development

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

You can monitor commits to the repository from this page. We also recommend developers to subscribe to email notifications in the developer forum as occasionally important things are announced.

Before posting questions here you might want to review the developer documentation.

Do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Navigating to Sub Folder in SharedFilesModule. gerald.wood 1925 1 12/23/2013 3:09:34 PM
Joe Audette
Errors in Code repository - mojoportal-982c15619c30 Dilip Wanave 2017 4 12/20/2013 9:51:36 AM
Joe Audette
Need to implement rel="nofollow" on main menu items. Dilip Wanave 1948 6 12/19/2013 12:25:11 AM
Dilip Wanave
Loading Center Content LinuxGam 1984 2 12/17/2013 1:43:32 PM
Develop with Form Wizard on Dev Server, then Deploy to Live? D'Hag 1630 1 12/16/2013 2:23:51 PM
Joe Audette
HTML Module custom panel wrappers Burldo 2756 2 12/14/2013 11:42:20 AM
Unable to work Custom Form Submission Handler in mojo portal prafullpokale 1966 1 12/12/2013 5:47:36 AM
Joe Audette
advanced resizing iframe module Dominique 2057 5 12/9/2013 2:24:18 PM
Isaac Hall
Get Page Name from html khriztianmoreno 1846 1 12/5/2013 9:44:01 PM
Joe Davis
Want data generated by wufoo form and save it in my database mahua 1835 1 12/5/2013 5:18:04 AM
Joe Audette
can we change theme folder path mahua 2242 3 12/4/2013 9:38:26 PM
Problem with HTML editor mahua 2249 1 12/4/2013 10:14:08 AM
Joe Audette
.NET 4.5 Eric Stoffers 6173 12 12/2/2013 11:26:27 AM
Changing the page title and description from a module LinuxGam 2029 8 11/21/2013 4:13:39 PM
ISettingControl in ProfileView.aspx Joe Davis 3298 3 11/18/2013 12:39:22 PM
Joe Davis
Unable to handle 404. Dilip Wanave 1705 1 11/18/2013 10:43:17 AM
Joe Audette
Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. Eugenio Urru 1448 0 11/17/2013 10:18:31 AM
Eugenio Urru
How to Export form submission data to .csv prafullpokale 2535 1 11/13/2013 8:03:11 AM
Joe Davis
TinyMCE 4 Joe Audette 4209 2 11/12/2013 12:00:32 PM
Joe Audette
Is it possible to integrate form wizard with mail chimp tool Dilip Wanave 1839 1 11/12/2013 11:16:08 AM
Joe Audette