Developer Forum

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

Please do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.

This forum is for discussing mojoPortal development

This forum is only for questions or discussions about working with the mojoPortal source code in Visual Studio, obtaining the source code from the repository, developing custom features, etc. If your question is not along these lines this is not the right forum. Please try to post your question in the appropriate forum.

You can monitor commits to the repository from this page. We also recommend developers to subscribe to email notifications in the developer forum as occasionally important things are announced.

Before posting questions here you might want to review the developer documentation.

Do not post questions about design, CSS, or skinning here. Use the Help With Skins Forum for those questions.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
mojoPortal sites are taking too much RAM memory Dilip Wanave 2224 4 8/7/2014 12:10:35 AM
Dilip Wanave
Third Party Gallery Control dasharp 1849 1 8/5/2014 5:29:25 PM
Migration for WordPress developer mbnoimi 1340 0 8/1/2014 12:32:44 AM
Unable to share session between mojoportal application and MVC application aparna 1367 0 7/30/2014 4:00:49 AM
Trouble adding an ASPX page to my feature aeyoss 1720 3 7/25/2014 4:24:55 PM
Integrate Social networking services like facebook and twitter in MojoPortal. prafullpokale 1500 0 7/24/2014 4:41:47 AM
Keeping session alive for given time in two applications aparna 1386 0 7/18/2014 7:44:59 AM
Modify Accordion Style goodness 1602 1 7/16/2014 11:08:15 AM
Joe Davis
How to validate the editor control from the mojoPortal.Web.Editor.Components PHS 1948 3 7/16/2014 10:40:29 AM
How to disable the height of the Accordion Control? PHS 1226 0 7/16/2014 10:29:45 AM
Editor Control Validation goodness 1360 0 7/16/2014 8:46:29 AM
mojoPortal latest version will run on windows xp? sujeet 1641 1 7/13/2014 2:14:21 PM
Joe Audette
ajaxtoolkit ModalPopupExtender issue solution Ghalib Ghniem 1934 4 7/12/2014 9:42:22 AM
Joe Audette
Upgrade to new mojoportal 111111 1666 1 7/10/2014 8:05:33 AM
Joe Audette
Is the latest CodeSmith Generator version compatible with MP? aeyoss 1991 3 7/3/2014 11:03:02 AM
Joe Audette
Image Gallery (Simple Folder Version) not showing uploaded .png images 1868 1 7/3/2014 7:16:53 AM
Joe Audette
subkismet CAPTCHA image disappearing on submit click kiranb 1711 2 7/2/2014 9:51:17 AM
error message from DatabaseHelper.GetReader() when specifying a different conn string aeyoss 1695 2 6/30/2014 3:11:24 PM
Sending Mail is not working in server side but working in local system Swetha Kumari 26891 6 6/29/2014 5:17:54 AM
Mohammad Ali
Displaying MojoPortal data in a GridView on my own page aeyoss 1336 1 6/27/2014 11:25:49 AM