General Discussion

This is an open forum for any mojoPortal topics that don't fall into the other categories.

Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
permissions molliwog2002 2557 1 1/23/2013 2:34:20 PM
Joe Audette
Module help molliwog2002 2593 2 1/23/2013 5:18:54 AM
Form wizard pro molliwog2002 2947 3 1/23/2013 5:06:51 AM
Some user account cause exception while login Koe 3018 3 1/18/2013 6:58:50 AM
Joe Audette
Redirect to page outside MojoPortal site cobound 1970 0 1/15/2013 5:58:21 PM
External software in mojoportal molliwog2002 3334 7 1/7/2013 10:59:42 AM
Joe Davis
Google showing "mojoPortal Setup" in search results page maxcoleman 2720 1 12/20/2012 8:16:50 AM
Joe Audette
Configuring Windows live mail messenger in MojoPortal maheshdwaghmare 2717 2 12/16/2012 10:46:18 PM
Skype as chat module in MojoPortal maheshdwaghmare 2773 2 12/16/2012 10:45:37 PM
Google+ communities arcantar 2621 4 12/13/2012 7:47:10 AM
Joe Audette
Registerion Email Subject Customing cyb2 2470 0 12/13/2012 1:15:14 AM
shared file module inactivity cause rename problem cklim 1778 0 12/11/2012 6:21:03 AM
Site Consolidation SQL Script M0le 1942 0 12/7/2012 6:21:49 PM
Files from shared files module sometimes gives blank screen dannyb 2627 2 11/29/2012 12:26:04 PM
Create new site from another filip 3280 2 11/28/2012 4:35:44 PM
Joe Davis
Email sent as local server name muhammadm 2678 2 11/15/2012 2:56:35 PM
Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3 gwindle 2726 8 11/15/2012 12:13:14 PM
Newsletter Images Barbra Partlow 2805 1 11/15/2012 8:35:10 AM
Joe Audette
After update to 4.0 no sign in possible Matthias 2927 5 11/13/2012 10:43:06 AM
The Centre Panel on the Home Page. acedubai 2032 0 11/13/2012 3:16:37 AM