Job Board

This is a forum for posting about mojoPortal related jobs or contract work.

If you need a developer with mojoPortal experience, you can post about your needs, your location, etc, here in this forum and perhaps developers from our community will respond.

If you are a developer or designer looking for mojoPortal related work, you can also post here to let people know that you are available for mojoPortal development or design/skinning consulting.

Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
mojoportal theme designer ashian 858 3 5/27/2020 10:45:25 AM
Sadegh Samarian
Files Transfer PianoMan 1015 0 11/15/2017 1:26:42 PM
mojoPortal skinning job andyjwwhite 1995 0 9/15/2014 4:48:23 AM
unique profile Rusty Owens 1914 0 7/11/2014 7:31:44 PM
Rusty Owens
Web Design & Multimedia Production Coordinator open position gaylEe7 2208 0 7/8/2014 10:50:14 AM
2 skins for 2 different sites - Paid buyonaut 1995 0 2/6/2014 9:17:09 AM
Banner rotation style-layout problem Giorgio B. 3853 3 4/3/2013 4:44:45 PM
Joe Davis
Mojoportal and galleryserverpro sorenmt84 3776 1 11/27/2012 12:54:47 PM
John Graffio
Website Theme and maintaining StTu 3163 1 9/23/2012 1:43:26 PM
Mojo Portal developer akr1 3977 3 8/27/2012 2:10:36 PM
Simone Sanfilippo
Skin from free template Dennis_Decoene 6073 5 8/11/2012 11:36:10 AM
Need Skin from Template smcfarland 5494 2 8/11/2012 11:08:03 AM
Urgent. Moving an Installation of mojoPortal to a Different Server samuelson 3797 4 5/30/2012 4:01:44 PM
Mojo-Related University Job Shaun3180 3447 0 5/21/2012 4:25:55 PM
Mojo Portal Skin Design Partner tkarafon 3261 0 5/20/2012 5:51:18 PM
urgent requirement for the SYBASE & ORACLE HRMS trainers vahnika 3519 0 5/8/2012 12:03:25 AM
MP Expert needed for Illustrator Layout to MojoPortal conversion HFHosting 2864 0 3/10/2012 12:46:41 PM
Need a developer for a small project on a quick timeframe stumpthegeek 3288 0 1/26/2012 8:08:42 AM
Looking to partner with a developer or Firm on Skinning... mschlaudraff 2902 0 1/8/2012 7:42:13 PM
DM2 Creative / The Design Loft - experienced mojoPortal designers, we designed this site :0) emtwo 3328 0 10/4/2011 2:54:38 AM