Posts From June, 2005

Friendly Url Mapping

I just commited a new feature to svn, it will be in the next release.

It allows you to setup mappings between friendly urls and pages in the site.

For example

maps to

Try it and see

The feature works better under mono/apache than it does under IIS because of the way IIS uses file extensions to determine which isapi handler processes the request.

In IIS to use a friendly url like, you have to actually create a Forums directory and put an empty text file in there named Default.aspx otherwise the request will not be handled by and you end up with a 404 error. You can use something like as a friendly url in IIS without having to actually create a folder or file. Using apache/mod_mono this is not needed as long as mod_mono is set as the handler for the site directory.

Some uses of this feature include:

  • Making it easy to migrate to mojoportal without breaking urls that google may have indexed from your old site.
  • Creating friendly urls for print ads or other communications
  • Giving users who have their own blog within your site a friendly url like

For those of you who are working with the source code from svn, feel free to try it out. There is an upgrade script in the folder for each data layer to create the new table and add the Feature