Publishing The Same Content on Multiple Pages Using Global Content

There are often times that you will want to include the same content on multiple pages. The Global Content feature was introduced in mojoPortal content management system version to aide in the task of sharing content between pages. For features that support use of the same instance on multiple pages, you can mark an instance as "Global" and it will be listed in a dialog window from the "Edit This Page" (PageLayout.aspx) page.

Using the Global Content Feature:

  • Create the content you want to be globally available.
  • In the Module Settings, click on the Security tab and select the "Is Global" option. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
  • Browse to a page that you want the content to be displayed on and click the "Edit This Page" link your Administration Toolbar.
  • Select the area you want the content placed in using the "Location" drop-down,
  • Next to the "Location" drop-down, click the "Add Existing Content" link.
  • From the "Add Existing Content" window, click the select button next to the desired content instance.

Notes About Security:

Once a feature instance is marked as global, it can only be edited by users in edit roles attached directly to the feature instance, it will not be based on page edit roles. The idea is that just because a user is able to add global content to a page that they have edit permissions on, does not mean the user should be able to edit that global content. Administrators and Content Administrators can edit any content so you do not need to explicitly add those roles to the edit permissions.

Video Tutorial:

Created: 2011/01/25 — Joe Davis of i7MEDIA

i7MEDIA: Elegant mojoPortal Solutionsi7MEDIA, LLC offers Hosting, Design and Development for mojoPortal. Trusted by the mojoPortal community and founded by mojoPortal Community Manager, Joe Davis, i7MEDIA is your source for elegant mojoPortal solutions.


Publishing The Same Content on Multiple Pages Using The Content Manager

Some content features in mojoPortal can be re-used on multiple pages. Be judicious about including the same content on multiple pages as it can impact search engine optimization if content is duplicated on multiple pages.

This video shows the steps for re-using content.

Video Credits: Vitaliy Akudovich and Olga Kulahina