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mojoPortalAdvanced Web Sites Made Easy

Volume 2 Edition 3 March 2010

mojoPortal Released

March has been a busy month, I spent the first few weeks working on developer tutorials and actually intended to focus only on that all month, but things needed to be done and the second half of the month I mainly focused on development.

The support for Artisteer has been a big hit since we released mojoPortal and it became clear that we should be ready when Artisteer 2.4 shipped because people were really looking forward to the new features in Artisteer and being able to use them in creating mojoPortal skins. Yesterday, Artisteer 2.4 was made final and we released mojoPortal the same day. We have already updated our documentation about creating skins with Artisteer 2.4 and we have 5 new included skins that can be used as a starting point.

Other highlights of the new release include better time zone handling, we can now adjust automatically for daylight savings time, and sticky threads and locked threads in the forums.

We are continually trying to learn from our newsletter process, if any of you notice this message landing in your spam folder please do let me know.

Developer Tutorials

I completed 17 new developer tutorial videos this month and I plan to continue where I left off in April. I think I'm not even half way through covering all the things I plan to cover. I will be teaching about how to use friendly urls in your features, how to make your features searchable in the search engine and more.


Keep an eye on our blog as I will announce new screen casts there as they become available.

Warm Regards,

Joe Audette