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mojoPortalAdvanced Web Sites Made Easy

Volume 2 Edition 7 August 2010


mojoPortal was released on August 12, 2010.

This release features a new skin based mainly on jQueryUI. Giving you the power to use any of the pre-made jQueryUI themes or roll your own with the jQueryUI themeroller.

We also added setting groups for features like the blog that have a lot of settings. The groups make it much easier to mange the settings.

Based on popular demand, we also added support to filter the available features by roles.

There were also upgrades to the latest versions of CKeditor and TinyMCE, see the blog release notes for full details.


This year's Open Source CMS Award has begun the nominations phase and we need your nomination.

nominate mojoPortal for the 2010 CMS Award

We need as many nominations as possible to make it to the next phase of the contest. After the nomination phase will be the voting phase and then a phase where judges will evaluate. If you haven't already, please nominate mojoPortal. If we make it through the nomination phase then we will ask you to vote for mojoPortal. We've done fairly well in this contest in years past, but every year the competition is tough and we are competing against projects that have larger communities, so it is even more important for us to get as many of our community members to help as possible.

Get Involved in the User Group

We've had some good online user group meetings and they seem to be more fun each time. I've created a page about our user group on the mojoPortal site, and we usually announce it in the blog as well as in the developer forum.

We'd love to get more of you involved with the meetings both as participants and presenters. If you've done something cool with mojoPortal or have a topic you think might be of interest to other mojoPortal users please let us know, we are looking for presenters. Eventually we hope to also have local user group meetings, but for now, a good way to get started is to present at local .NET User Groups which already exist in most major cities. Maybe a good way to start is to present at our online meeting where we already have an audience interested in mojoPortal, it can serve as practice and then you could give the same presentation in your local community and establish yourself as a local mojoPortal expert.

Some of the previous meetings were recorded and can be watched on Yamisee.

Special thanks to David Dean of Yamisee, who makes our monthly online meeting possible.

As I mentioned in the previous newsletters, I'll be focusing in the near term on completing the first version of a new add on product In Site Analytics Pro. I've been making some good progress and hope to release an initial version in the next 2-3 weeks that will allow you to capture the basic statistics into the database to keep a permanent record beyond the 2 years that google keeps the data.

We are continually trying to learn from our newsletter process, if any of you notice this message landing in your spam folder please do let me know.

Warm Regards,

Joe Audette