Google's Key Word tool shows different "Password" words

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12/10/2011 1:11:12 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Google's Key Word tool shows different "Password" words


I have been struggling with adding Key Words to the pages of my site and so far the biggest problem is that when I point the tool  to my site ( ) to say the Home page (1home.aspx) I do not see most of the key words I added on to the page on the site.  What I do see is row after row of "password" words etc (...
excel password recovery
forgot windows password
windows login recovery
forgot administrator password
password recovery
forgot password windows 7
password reset disk
forgot windows 7 password
lost windows password

What can I do to stop this from happening?




12/11/2011 12:14:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Google's Key Word tool shows different "Password" words

You can simply view the source of your page in the browser to see the meta description and keyword elements, you don't need  a tool to do that. Meta descriptions are important but meta keywords are pretty much ignored by google and other search engines because that meta element has been abused for many years to the point where it is not useful.

If you are trying to make your site come up in search for specifric key words then those words need to be in your content on the page, having them in the keywords meta data is not going to do anything. Those keywords that you do have in the meta element if they are important keywords you should try to use them in the content on the page.

You do have the sign in feature on your home page which has a label for password and a link for password recovery. Why the tool thinks those are the main keywords on the page I don't know, you should take such tools with a grain of salt.

But your home page does not have much meaningful content on it, bullet points with short sentence fragments are not going to be very effective. You should have cohesive paragraphs that contain your key words. Content is king and google knows how to recognize good content vs just little word blips that may have a keyword in it. You bullet points are just little sentence fragments that don't appear to google as cohesive meaningful content. It needs to tie to gether better with complete sentences and paragraphs that convery complete thoughts in a meaningful way.

Hope that helps,


12/11/2011 1:48:31 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Google's Key Word tool shows different "Password" words

Hi Joe,

Thanks, I am not sure why you do not see the Login on the Home page, it is on the top of the Right column.  That is where all the Password key Words are coming from!

The tool I am using is Google's tool Key Word tool found here !!!

I guess I am more confused than ever about the Key Words & Key Description fields and will have to go back to the drawing board and do more research.



12/11/2011 2:01:04 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Google's Key Word tool shows different "Password" words

I didn't say I didn't see the sign in on your page I said I didn't know why the tool is finding that as the most significant keyword.

In my opinion you are missing the boat focusing too much on tools and not on writing good copy for your home page. You will get better SEO by focusing on writing good copy that contains the keywords of interest. Just having the words in the meta data is of very little use. Your home page needs better copy with complete sentences and paragraphs that contain the keywords you want to be found on in google. Right now there is very little content and the content that is there is like one sentence describing your product and some bullet points with incomplete sentences that might mean something to you but are not creating a wholistic sense of content or what your page is about for google.

My advice is stop focusing on tools and tricks for SEO and start focusing on writing better copy for your home page.

Hope that helps,


12/12/2011 10:38:41 AM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Google's Key Word tool shows different "Password" words

Hi Joe,

Sorry my mistake about the password stuff...

I think that I understand what you are saying about KeyWords/Descriptions etc and not being used for SEO...  I also just figured out what description it IS seeing.  It is reading the 2nd column of the page (I think it skipped the 1st column because there were only bullets items not paragraph content - which I just added!).

Do you have any thought or suggestions why it would be skipping the 1st paragraph of the page? ("YachtLog is a simple boat management software solution with a friendly interface. Whether you are the captain of a mega-yacht or skipper of a 20 ft trailer boat, YachtLog will make for smooth boating.")  and how to get it to read it?



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