just a quick question, does the MS Web deployment tool allow the installer to select which Application pool is used?

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1/23/2011 1:40:12 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

just a quick question, does the MS Web deployment tool allow the installer to select which Application pool is used?


I'm not saying this is my situation, because it's clearly not, but what if someone installing mojo portal wanted to use the MS Web Deployment tool to install multiple installations on one server?  How would they do that if no selection for application pool, since most of the time, different sites and different installations have their own application pool, is offered?  Am i missing something/  Thanks. 

1/24/2011 11:30:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: just a quick question, does the MS Web deployment tool allow the installer to select which Application pool is used?

Hi Katherine,

MsDeploy is the underlying command line tool used by Web Platform Installer. While Web Platform Installer (which is just a GUI tool on top of MsDeploy) does not give you an opportunity to choose an application pool, I'm sure hosting control panels do have ways of passing extra parameters to MsDeploy so they can create and use an application pool when installing sites from the Gallery or using MsDeploy packages.

Web Platform installer seems to either assign the default app pool or the default .NET 4 app pool if the package is configured for .NET 4, but you could of course change the app pool after it installs.



1/24/2011 3:04:21 PM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: just a quick question, does the MS Web deployment tool allow the installer to select which Application pool is used?

Thanks.  But what if you're not using any control panel, such as if you're app testing, (as I am), or using IIS' deployment options directly as i am.  I only do that since I cannot seem to master manually setting things up, or at least not yet.  So you're saying that once it's installed, you can freely change the App pool associated with the application without breaking anything?  That's odd.  I didn't know that.  Guess I've not read enough on ASP.net.  But I think that the more my enthusiasm drives me, the quicker I'll get there. 

1/26/2011 12:34:50 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: just a quick question, does the MS Web deployment tool allow the installer to select which Application pool is used?

Yes, you are free to change app pools, but it does not mean you can't break anything, it is possible to break things. Application pools between .NET 3.5 and 4.0 are not compatible, so for .NET 4 you must use a .NET 4 application pool or a custom application pool created based on a .NET 4 application pool. In fact during manual installation of a site or application IIS would by default try to suggest/create a new application pool based on one of the default application pools for .NET 4 or .NET 3.5, but it does not force you to create a new app pool, you can change it to an app pool of your choice during manual installation or after installation. But if you choose an incompatible app pool it will break the site.



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