FWP - Problem with date picker combined with Y/N checkboxes

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6/28/2010 4:21:43 PM
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FWP - Problem with date picker combined with Y/N checkboxes

Hi Joe, if you create a form that has a date picker control followed by one or more Y/N checkboxes, the date picker does not appear when you view the form (just the edit box). Probably related: in the lower left corner in IE 8 an error message is reported:

'CheckBoxValidatorEvaluateIsValid' is undefined


I created a sample form at http://demo.mojoportal.com/form-bug.aspx, in case you can get to it before it gets wiped out.

6/29/2010 8:47:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: FWP - Problem with date picker combined with Y/N checkboxes

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for the bug report. I've just uploaded a new release of Form Wizard Pro which has this fixed and also has the SkinID on the CheckBoxList.



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