evebt calendar pro / two weeks span with every day start and end

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8/31/2009 2:09:32 PM
Total Posts 220

evebt calendar pro / two weeks span with every day start and end

Hi Joe,

when an exhibition span over two month and the galerie is open every weekday from 12:00 to 20:00 and I want to put it down when: from first day to last day with no repeats because of the to much entries in the listview, how can I have it in week- and day view each day from 12:00 to 20:00 and not from 00:00 to 00:00?



8/31/2009 2:15:02 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: evebt calendar pro / two weeks span with every day start and end

I am aware of this issue but I really do not have a solution for it. The control I'm using there only looks at the full begin date/time and end date/time. It doesn't support spanning across days and limiting the time on each day as if they were separate events. All I can promise is to throw some more effort at it, but I did look into this before and could not readily find a solution.



8/31/2009 2:29:23 PM
Total Posts 220

Re: evebt calendar pro / two weeks span with every day start and end

That`s live Cool


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