Registration Agreement

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6/21/2008 9:13:05 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Registration Agreement

Joe, I found this "Creating a Registration Agreement" it was under the documentation tab. It mentioned the configuration for it, but how do you implement and actual agreement? Where would it be placed? I have had people try to register and I would sooner they don't, but I also have those who I want to register and having something to look at and make a decision from is very appealing to me. I am not a control freek, just a little concerned about what some people might try and do.

6/22/2008 6:02:57 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Registration Agreement

Hi Thomas,

What part of the instructions don't you understand?

The documentation Creating a Registration Agreement tells you exactly what you need to do. It tells you what to name the file and where to put it.

Hope it helps,


6/22/2008 8:04:15 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: Registration Agreement

Hi! Joe, I found a folder inside of the message templates folder, it was named: en-US-RegisterLicense.config. This folder was empty and I assume it was empty so that we can fill it. Now you said to look at other sites for the verbage to go into the folder? Are you talking about the kind of application for membership that is used at The National Recycling Coalition site? I am not sure about what other questions to ask?

6/22/2008 8:17:04 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Registration Agreement

Hi Thomas,

There is no folder named en-US-RegisterLicense.config so I have no idea what you are talking about.

en-US-RegisterLicense.config is the name of the text file you should create if you want a registration agreement, you put that fille in the /Data/MessageTemplaes folder.

The text you put in the file will be the agreement displayed on the register page. The text is up to you but I would not base it on the NRC site.

I would google for "web site registration agreement" to get some ideas of the kind of verbiage others are putting into theirs.

Hope it helps,


6/22/2008 8:26:22 AM
Total Posts 180
Thomas F. Heringer

Re: Registration Agreement

Joe, I made a mistake it is not a folder. Their is a file inside the Message Templates Folder named en-US-RegisterLicense.config, but as I said it is empty.

6/22/2008 8:31:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Registration Agreement

Ok, put some text in that file and then visit your site registration page and you will see the text displayed there. So all you have to do is figure out what you want it to say and put the text in the file.

I do not ship that file with mojoportal because if I did then it would get replaced every time you upgrade and you would lose your custom text. So I don't know how that file got there unless you or someone else created it. In any case it doesn't matter, just put the verbiage for your agreement in that file, then visit your site registration pageand you will see your agreement there.

Hope it helps,


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