GoDaddy Install

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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6/12/2008 1:41:51 PM
Total Posts 31

GoDaddy Install

Hi Joe.

I am trying to get mojo installed on a GoDaddy hosting site.  I followed the instructions for the medium trust install but it seems to give an error during the check of SchemaHasBeenCreated.  I checked the code & it seems to be using somehing with SubSonic.  I've trid changing <customErrors mode="off" /> but I still can't view errors remotely - and GoDaddy support is as good as asking my dog for help :) So... I have a couple questions:

1. Are there any known prblems/workarounds with SubSonic in medum trust environments?

2. Any ideas to help troubleshoot?

3.  A work around my be to use, but I can't find a downloadable link on Novell's site - only the latest version.  Do you have a copy available?


Thanks for your help in advance,



6/12/2008 1:51:12 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: GoDaddy Install

Hi Chris,

If you are using MS SQL, it doesn't really use SubSonic. Thats only used in other data layers.

Have you downloaded the /Data/currentlog.config file and checked what the error messages there are?



6/12/2008 5:43:04 PM
Total Posts 31

Re: GoDaddy Install

hey Joe,

I traced the loggin in setup/default.aspx.cs file and go to line

821: schemaHasBeenCreated = DatabaseHelper.SchemaHasBeenCreated();

which calls DatabaseHelper.SchemaHasBeenCreated() which on line 282 of DatabaseHelper.cs calls: DBPortal.DatabaseHelperSitesTableExists();

A look into that class mojoPortal.Data.Common.DBPortal and the public method: calls DataService.TableExists(GetProviderName(), tableName);

which as far as I can tell, SubSonic.

I looked into the /Data/currentlog.config file, but it is empty :(


6/13/2008 1:02:26 AM
Total Posts 31

Re: GoDaddy Install

I commented out the call to DatabaseHelcper.SchemaHasBeenCreated()

and uncommneted the original code, compiled & uploaded the host web server.  Setup continued through without a problem untill it was about to create default content, when it had a problem creating a backup that resembeled this directory:  D:\...\_db_backup\...  I hit refresh & it ran through to the end and created the default website.

I had little success since though. Adding pages usually leads to the default error page, but sometimes the pages make it to the menus.  Once you clilck a menu, back to error page.

I've since replaced my mojoPortal..dlls with the ones from the distribution.  Same problem.

The data/currentlog.config file contains an error in mojoPortal.Web.Global, but the message seems to get cut off.

Did I miss any documentation about how to setup SubSonic in a medium hosting envorment?



6/13/2008 7:30:46 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: GoDaddy Install

Oh yeah I remember I did change it to use SubSonic to test for the mp_Sites table not long ago but I think that is the only place where the MS SQL version is using SubSonic. I did that because the syntax for checking the schema is changing over versions of MS SQL so I figured those differences could be abstracted behind SubSonic.

I don't know anything about db_backup folder thats not something mojoportal code is doing. It doesn't create database backups.

Without seeing the error messages it not possible for me to diagnose what is happening.

I know a number of people have posted problems with installation at Go Daddy, if you search this site for "go daddy" you will see a number of results.

I think some of them did succeed in the end.



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