Embedding pages from external sites in MojoPortal

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5/13/2008 12:41:43 AM
Total Posts 68

Embedding pages from external sites in MojoPortal

Hi Joe.

I would like to know if there is any way that you could embed a page from another site or web application within the content modules or pages of mojoPortal?

I have many applications that are running on InMagic Web Publishing Pro (a text based database publishing tool) and they require software to be installed on the server for them to run. I dont want to install the software as it has to be purchased and upgrades etc. so I would like to link to pages I create within mojoPortal and just display the results from those apps in the mojoPortal pages. Is this at all possible without having to open the links in new windows? I may want to use such a function to dislplay other sites as well but mostly for these InMagic sites/apps that dont really have any other navigation on their own but rather just some forms for searching the database etc.

What do you think? Obviously the HTMLFragment function cant be used here as these pages have to run off the external server. Is there another feature I am missing? Do I have to build my own Feature. I am not very good with visual studio and dotNet though.

Hope to hear from you soon.


5/13/2008 5:38:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Embedding pages from external sites in MojoPortal

The only solution I can think of is to use iframes to load the external pages. You would use the mojoPortal Html Content feature, in the FCKeditor you would click the "Source" button on the toolbar to go to html view. Add an iframe like this:

<iframe src="http://yourexternalpage.html" title="whatever" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>

You may have to experiment with the height setting to get the results you want.

The only problem is if you have to login to the other apps it probably won't work unless the app is in the same domain, because the browser won't let you set a cookie for a different domain from inside an iframe (its a security feature of the browser).

Hope it helps,


5/13/2008 5:52:23 AM
Total Posts 68

Re: Embedding pages from external sites in MojoPortal

hi Joe. I tried it. But it gives me an error.

"We're sorry but a server error has occurred while trying to process your request.

The error has been logged and will be reviewed by our staff as soon as possible. It is possible that the error was just a momentary hiccup and you may wish to use the back button and try again or go back to the home page."

When I enter it into the source and then switch back to preview it shows fine but when I click UPDATE I get the above error.

What could be the cause?


5/13/2008 5:58:31 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Embedding pages from external sites in MojoPortal

Does the error happen every time you save or does it depend on the content you entered? What I mean is, does it seem to have anything to do with the iframe or it just gives an error when you save any content?

Most common cause of errors when saving content is an error occurs in trying to index the content into the search index. This happens in medium trust environments if you have not configured the lucene.lock.directory correctly in Web.config. See the documentation about medium trust.

Best way to find the error is to visit (key icon) Administration Menu > System Log

Hope it helps,


5/13/2008 6:04:57 AM
Total Posts 68

Re: Embedding pages from external sites in MojoPortal

Scratch that! Its working now.

I had to edit the web.config file and enter a space and save it. And now it works!

I have experienced this several times on various ocassaions now and the same solution works. I dont know why or how but it does. It I get an error in the CMS I usually do this and it solves the error.

Weird. Anyway. Sorry.

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