Authorize.Net changes

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This forum is for discussing mojoPortal development

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9/1/2015 2:40:26 PM
Total Posts 5

Authorize.Net changes


Our client has received notices from Authorize.Net about changes they have coming.   I believe if there are any changes required, it would be within Mojo Portal.   I'm pasting in the quote from the Authorize.Net email.   Can you please confirm that the Mojo sites will continue to operate properly with Authorize.Net with NO CHANGES NEEDED or if changes are needed, can you confirm that a Mojo update/upgrade will be available prior to 9/21?


Jeff [at] 4TruthWebDesign [DOT] com


As part of our continuous upgrades to enhance system performance and security, on September 21, 2015, we are upgrading to new security certificates, which are signed using Security Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-2) and 2048-bit signatures.

These upgrades were already completed on in May. If your website or payment solution connects to and any updates are necessary to use the new certificates, please refer to this blog post in our Developer Community, which has all of the certificate information you and your developer will need for this update. Our sandbox environment has already been updated so that you can validate that your solution will continue to work using SHA-2 signed certificates, prior to September 21st.

After the update is complete on September 21st, any website or payment solution that connects via that cannot validate SHA-2 signed certificates will fail to connect to Authorize.Net's servers.

9/1/2015 2:46:00 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Authorize.Net changes

no changes are needed

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