Missing files in feature project? And other remarks...

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3/31/2015 3:45:25 AM
Total Posts 32

Missing files in feature project? And other remarks...

Hi Joe!

I'm busy poking around and trying to understand more about how this was created as I continue my journey towards migrating my company's products to your CMS. As I do so I am finding some inconsistencies and other questionable things (maybe bugs) that I wanted to point out. They aren't user level bugs (meaning it would take a developer to notice) so I figure they go in this forum.

1. It seems there's at least one missing file in the feature configuration section of the Features.UI project - specifically the Blog module install script for MSSQL. It's not in the solution/project, but it's in the file system. I'm certain this is a missed add?

2. I noticed in your current changes that you have eliminated the solution and project files for older frameworks (3.5 and 4.0) but I see that the web.config files for 4.0 are still lying around...

3. And speaking of web.config files... Which web.config file is best for copying into a new feature development? I don't think it matters that much since the config file doesn't affect the run-time, but it helps eliminate the IDE's whining about references and whatnot. :)

4. Finally, what would be your recommendation for any supplemental feature web.config settings that can't be lumped into a user.config file?

Thanks Joe, keep up the good work!

3/31/2015 9:40:22 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Missing files in feature project? And other remarks...

1. those files don't need to be project members, really only c# code and .aspx and .ascx (ie things that must be compiled) need to be project members. static files don't need to be. we use post build events to copy those script files where they need to go and we have modified the xml of the .csproj files such that they are included in publish without needing to be project members. Sometimes VS has a mind of its own and makes files project members behind the scenes even when not intended to be, but it doesn't matter if the sql scripts are or are or or not project members.

2. that is just house keeping, those files are gone now

3. I'd probably pick the one from WebStore

4. Only things from appSettings can go in user.config, anything else must be maintained in the Web.config of the Web project which I realize is not ideal since that file is under source control but I have no solution to offer, that is just how it is. Maybe keep a copy of the file with your modifications elsewhere in case you need to revert the file during updates from the repo and then restore your customizations.

3/31/2015 10:57:43 AM
Total Posts 32

Re: Missing files in feature project? And other remarks...

1. I definitely get that they don't NEED to be project members, but it does make it easier to go through and read up on things. Just a suggestion to help keep it organized. :)

2. Glad to hear! The different versions of the framework support was a little confusing at first to keep track of. Too many useless files. .NET is pretty much free, so people need to just upgrade IMO. :)

3. Thanks for the advice!

4. I was thinking you were going to say that, but I had to ask anyways. Thanks anyways!


3/31/2015 11:23:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Missing files in feature project? And other remarks...

1. I don't plan to change my ways. I suggest do what I do, click the project node in solution explorer and then click the icon for "Show All Files" at the top of solution explorer, then you can see all the files regardless of whether they are project members.

Myself I don't ever view the sql script .config files in VS, I view and edit and create them using Notepad++, but you could view them in VS by making them visible as described.

3/31/2015 11:46:28 AM
Total Posts 32

Re: Missing files in feature project? And other remarks...

That was what I did as well. Thanks for clearing that up. I will post more if I see it.

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