cblink not working anymore ?

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3/10/2015 5:15:20 AM
Total Posts 50

cblink not working anymore ?

Hi , 

i have put a cblink class in a lnk 


  <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkCreditLimi" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("IdentityCode") %>'  CssClass="cblink" NavigateUrl='<% # BuildBioQueryString(Eval("IdentityCode").ToString()) %>' />

and adjust the layout.master accordingly 


but the link pop up the colorbox ,it only direct to the page. 

What else i need to configure ,in order it pop up a new page?





3/13/2015 2:26:33 AM
Total Posts 50

Re: cblink not working anymore ?

find out dont know why using admin login the colorbox not pop out , but when using other roles ,the colorbox pop out. 

continue find out what is the cause... 

3/13/2015 9:39:06 AM
Total Posts 50

Re: cblink not working anymore ?

Yes. finally. It is because the asp updatepanel. thanks 

3/20/2015 12:25:28 AM
Total Posts 50

Re: cblink not working anymore ?

Hi there, 

Any one facing the problem , class ="cblink" it work only when u log in as admin, other role will not pop out the page ? 

please help . 


3/20/2015 11:05:33 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: cblink not working anymore ?

I haven't seen this problem. Use a browser's developer's console (F12) and look through for any errors loading the ColorBox JavaScript. Make sure that the JavaScript is firing when the link is clicked.

3/20/2015 8:44:31 PM
Total Posts 50

Re: cblink not working anymore ?

Thanks for the reply i fix the problem with delete all the files in server .i publish the project using vs2013 publish file and copy the mojo /web/data/ into the publish folder then upload all to the server again . the cblink pop up work with any roles now. Thanks
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