Configuring Google Checkout in the store

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2/14/2013 2:29:43 PM
Total Posts 128

Configuring Google Checkout in the store

I'm setting up a store, and have added these lines to user.config

 <add key="Site8-GoogleProductionMerchantID" value="yyy"/>
 <add key="Site8-GoogleProductionMerchantKey" value="xxx"/>
 <add key="Site8-PrimaryPaymentGateway" value="GoogleCheckout"/>

But when I get to my cart, there's no Google checkout button.

I've not yet configured the return URL in my Google Checkout account, but was expecting the button to appear once the above settings were in place.

What is required to make the button appear? Any guidance appreciated.

2/14/2013 4:02:36 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Configuring Google Checkout in the store

Things that could be causing it:

  1. cart total is 0
  2. user is not authenticated and checkout requires it
  3. product in the cart is a donation and the store is not configured as a 501 c charity. google does not allow donations otherwise, ie you can't buy me a beer with google checkout but you can buy products on this site
  4. you have the wrong site id or <add key="CommerceUseGlobalSettings" value="true" />
  5. you have <add key="Site8-PaymentGatewayUseTestMode" value="true" /> so it is not using production settings

Hope that helps,


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