Bug Reports

This is the place to report bugs and get support. When posting in this forum, please always provide as much detail as possible.

Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum, do not report it as a bug.

This is the place to report bugs and get support

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.
Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Content Templates Missing Jonathan Delfraisse 2036 3 5/13/2013 9:10:38 AM
Joe Audette
Friendly URLs Marc Beacom 2245 2 5/10/2013 8:39:46 AM
Marc Beacom
Shared files Upload: updated file in subfolder Diego Mora 2731 6 5/9/2013 7:52:19 AM
Diego Mora
Editing in Internal Commenting System has an issue. Guruprasad 2011 1 5/8/2013 11:13:14 AM
Joe Audette
Blog: new post new category behaviour CrispinF 14949 1 5/8/2013 11:11:34 AM
Joe Audette
video player full screen broke in IE10 digitaliway 2995 4 5/7/2013 10:42:20 AM
Joe Audette
Mojo (jQuery 1.9.1.) and Superfish vc3 2350 2 5/6/2013 3:50:12 PM
After Edit post will return to the home page. john1 2165 2 5/5/2013 12:33:30 PM
Joe Audette
Shared Files and IE 10 Diego Mora 2549 6 5/3/2013 11:42:35 AM
Joe Audette
Problems with jQuery Tabs and Accordion after upgrade to Diego Mora 2929 3 5/3/2013 10:20:05 AM
Diego Mora
upgrade pack or fix pack or file replace to fix bug massimiliano 2416 1 5/2/2013 12:35:21 PM
Joe Audette
Problem when editing module settings mikew5163 2140 2 5/2/2013 12:16:22 PM
Joe Audette
Error when attempting to edit a form mcbaker 2717 3 5/2/2013 9:41:44 AM
Joe Audette
Problem with gallery Nik 4489 6 5/2/2013 12:09:25 AM
Shared Files Module displays Upload Button to anonymous users peterskillman 2013 2 5/1/2013 5:18:59 PM
Bug Deleting Field on Form Wizard Pro ntunedev 1995 1 5/1/2013 11:10:56 AM
Joe Audette
Webstore Reporting Module ioriyong 2563 3 5/1/2013 11:09:36 AM
Joe Audette
Calendar Pro RSS feed vc3 2606 5 5/1/2013 10:18:21 AM
Joe Audette
Pro calendar RSS feed for multiday events kittymcooper 2473 4 5/1/2013 10:16:21 AM
Joe Audette
FWP Multiple Instances on Single Page Joe Davis 2613 1 4/30/2013 2:19:54 PM
Joe Audette