Bug Reports

This is the place to report bugs and get support. When posting in this forum, please always provide as much detail as possible.

Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum, do not report it as a bug.

This is the place to report bugs and get support

When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:

  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
  • What version of mojoPortal are you running?
  • What version of .NET do you use?
  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.
Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum.
Subject Started by Total Views Total Replies Last Post
Paste From Word Problem Mike Gillson 3796 4 9/23/2008 10:48:16 PM
Mike Gillson
Error when I try to use blog or forum mojouser101 11969 15 9/23/2008 4:11:58 PM
? about blogs gpearson100 3658 2 9/23/2008 2:33:03 PM
error on setup page gpearson100 4275 5 9/20/2008 8:20:04 AM
Joe Audette
Parser error in poll module vwaic 5129 1 9/20/2008 4:58:08 AM
Joe Audette
problem on host jaber1361 3859 2 9/17/2008 11:55:16 PM
Problem with search in German McZosch 7301 10 9/15/2008 10:20:03 AM
Browse Server on sub/2nd site M0le 4193 1 9/9/2008 7:38:30 AM
Joe Audette
Event Calander ashian 9241 17 9/8/2008 1:53:10 PM
Asad Samarian
Remember Login issue cbae 3690 2 9/2/2008 1:58:33 PM
mojoportal\Web\Setup\applications\mojoportal-core\SchemaUpgradeScripts\mssql\ error Kenneth Haugland 3399 1 9/1/2008 4:20:11 PM
Joe Audette
Missing comma in dbModule.cs Walter 3913 1 8/31/2008 5:36:01 AM
Joe Audette
Error when deleting shared files cbae 4125 1 8/29/2008 7:01:31 AM
Joe Audette
Strange error in event log cbae 4027 9 8/28/2008 3:46:12 PM
KeepAlive error md 4370 2 8/28/2008 8:47:33 AM
RSS feeds incompatible with extjs-viewport1 skin cbae 4229 3 8/28/2008 6:33:06 AM
Joe Audette
Error in CalendarEvent Juliano Barbosa 3514 1 8/28/2008 6:23:31 AM
Joe Audette
godaddy _db_backups folder davetroy 8674 6 8/26/2008 2:55:44 PM
Updating page settings is painfully slow cbae 3586 2 8/26/2008 1:13:20 PM
mail not send after registration vsranjane 3543 1 8/26/2008 7:35:33 AM
Joe Audette